Recruit technical staff with strong employer branding


Roland Guijs


February 14, 2023

Reading time

4 minutes


To effectively recruit good technical staff, whether they are welders or software engineers, good online visibility is crucial.

People are increasingly online more often, so as a company, you need to be actively present there. For this, employer branding or labor market communication is essential, especially now that almost everyone is looking for good staff. But how can a technical company effectively use video in labor market communication, and where do you start?

Shortage of technical staff

In 2022, a unique situation arose; there were more vacancies than job seekers (CBS). Where there is usually a wide choice of potential staff for an open vacancy, the situation is now reversed; companies are lining up for good people. In the technical sector, the shortage is even greater; of the top eight professions where it is difficult to find personnel, five are technical. Besides the fact that a too-tight staffing level limits growth or leads to concrete gaps in planning, it is also very expensive. On average, an open vacancy costs more than €350 per day and remains open for 63 days (Changeboard). All in all, an open position costs quickly more than €20,000. Every reason to make attracting new technical talent the spearhead of company operations and to invest in labor market communication. 

4 examples of successful employer branding for technical companies

  • Personal portraits; give the company a face by using personal videos or blogs from colleagues, where they share their personal motivation and experiences.

  • Technology and innovation; many people enter the technology field due to a love for the profession. Showcase innovative products and technologies with, for example, product videos or 3D animation

  • Mix of quality and quantity; Google refers to this as the Hero-Hub-Help strategy: alternate professional content with, for example, homemade photos. This way, you show authenticity and keep the target audience engaged with your brand.

  • Video series; successful recruitment and employer branding require patience; posting something today doesn't mean someone will be hired tomorrow. Think in terms of campaigns and develop a video series

Where should I start to attract good employees?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for finding and retaining new colleagues. The different ages and positions require a different approach and type of media. A recent graduate from Amsterdam has very different expectations than a 50-year-old from Twente. Good knowledge of the target group is crucial for that, just like a media partner who actively responds to it. To make this clear, we have developed a strategic framework, distinguishing between theoretical and practical functions, and different levels of experience. 

Whitepaper on Successfully Implementing Employer Branding

Want to know more about successfully attracting good personnel through strong employer branding? Download our whitepaper. In it, we delve deeper into the different generations, the best practices of ASML, and provide concrete tips and advice. Fill in your email address in the field below, and receive the whitepaper directly in your mailbox.

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About the author

Roland has a background as an academic engineer, has been working as a marketer for nearly a decade, and has guided the visual positioning of various technical organizations. He knows better than anyone how companies can translate complexity into inspiring content.

ir. Roland Guijs


About the author

Roland has a background as an academic engineer, has been working as a marketer for nearly a decade, and has guided the visual positioning of various technical organizations. He knows better than anyone how companies can translate complexity into inspiring content.

About the author

Roland has a background as an academic engineer, has been working as a marketer for nearly a decade, and has guided the visual positioning of various technical organizations. He knows better than anyone how companies can translate complexity into inspiring content.