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Documentary about the energy transition and hydrogen

Indall developed a documentary about hydrogen in collaboration with Kiwa, University of Twente, Shell Green Planet, TNO, Green Team Twente, Rosen and other partners. The aim of the documentary is to create awareness and involvement about the energy transition and the role that hydrogen will play in this. Indall believes it is important to contribute to a sustainable future and to be involved in projects related to innovation and sustainability.

In an hour-long program, the enthusiastic student team is followed in its challenge to develop the most efficient hydrogen car. In the meantime, the production team visits various parties involved in hydrogen and the possibilities that this entails. For example, the PosHYdon project at the North Sea is visited, experts such as Jörg Gigler and Sjoerd Delnooz will have their say and a test drive will be made in the Toyota Mirai.